Professional Photographer Mike Deere Launches New Portfolio Site
As you may have noticed, this site officially went public yesterday after a couple of weeks of putting it together and fine tuning all the little pieces that sit tucked away behind the spangly visible bits. And what a great reception! Thanks folks.
Having a quick glance at Google Analytics tells me that the average time spent on the site by each unique visitor so far has been near the 5 minute mark… Despite having little to no text to read! I gotta say that if people are taking their time to look through my portfolios like that and just the visual side of things is holding attention spans, then I’m a very happy man indeed.
So where from here?
Well, you can expect me to do a lot more blogging now that I have a solid platform to work from. I’ve got a few ideas in mind for the kind of content I’d like to be putting out there, which I’ve briefly touched on in some of the test blog posts you can see when you have a flick through. In a slightly daunting step for me, there’ll be a lot more words involved than I’m used to or comfortable with, I’m a very visual person and words definitely don’t come as easily to me as pictures do… But there’s one way to get to grips with those slippery devils and that’s immerse myself in them. The last time I did any kind of “proper” writing was a few years ago when I reviewed a couple of photography courses for a (then new) magazine called Turning Pro by Archant Specialist, the people responsible for Photography Monthly and Professional Photographer Magazine; which aside from coming 4th place in a primary school story competition when I was 8 years old is the only time I’ve had any particular success with words. So here it is, a fresh start in the deep end. Gulp.
Words aside, I’ll also be keeping everyone up to date with a visual compendium of what I’ve been pointing my camera at. Yep, photos.
Stay tuned…